Great Pyrenees Champion Framboise Peugeot d’Pyradis – 11/2001 – 4/2014
Our Beloved Companion, Guardian, Partner in mischief and Personal Angel First-Class, “Peug” (to his pals) has serenely slipped across the Rainbow Bridge to an idyllic Elysium of freedom, hardy, happy play and infinite discovery – with countless squirrels to chase, bones to bury and shade trees to snooze beneath. Tarry awhile, darling Little Man, we’ll be along shortly.
We experienced an amazing adventure; Peug lived an extraordinary life. A Traveling Man, he went where we went – 9000 walks; 3200 Jeep day-trips; 25,000 miles in his coaches; lunch and dinner at alfresco patios all over the map. Fisherman’s Wharf to Lynchburg, Peugeot was greeted and treated like a Superstar. Our pampered Pyr relished his royal treatment and the occasional rasher of bacon as his reward. Crème de la crème: nuzzles from his many mates at San Diego’s “Galley at the Marina” and a personal invitation to Christmas Dinner inside his favorite Idyllwild restaurant. A Lucky Dog, indeed.
His legion of friends, family and passionate fans of every age and description simply couldn’t resist his stunning snowy visage and charismatic allure. A surefire people magnet, Peug never disappointed. The “Polar Bear Dog” gladdened untold hearts and lifted spirits at each bend in the road. His face graces family photos from coast-to-coast.
Kingston to Klamath – Hollywood to Houston – Morro Bay to Muskogee
Tombstone to Texarkana – Pensacola to Park City – Luckenbach to Las Cruces
Memphis to Mammoth – Shreveport to The Smoky Mountains; he was showered with attention and affection from strangers and buds alike in more places than we can recall. Peug personified “The Gentle Giant.” We wouldn’t trade a mile or a minute.
Peugeot was exactly as he appeared – at once, Majestic, Wise, Squish-able, Beautiful, Patient, Elegant, Noble, Sweet as Honey and a Forever Puppy with a loving, True Heart. His luminous, dark-brown eyes looked deeply into your soul and he owned you.
We’re profoundly grateful to friend and breeder, Peggy Watson, for our 12½ year
priceless, journey with Peugeot. It was our destiny to be entrusted with his care and to share an uncommon communion and commitment. Now lost in an emotional fog, we can’t imagine life without him.
Adieu dearest, faithful friend. You’ve had a fever. After a little walk and by our pardon, it’s time to sleep. There is no sweeter thing, nor fate more blessed, than to sleep. You leave us with a tear in our hearts, a thousand precious, healing memories and not a single regret. You are now
one with the Angels and in PYRADISE.
With much love, Paul, Nancy and his Soul Brother, BraveHeart A. Cat