Kate was indeed a sweet dog, and beautiful and remarkable, and a thousand other things
Dear Dr. Benson:
Thank you for the card and your note about my dog Kate, who you helped release last week to wherever good dogs go. She was indeed a sweet dog, and beautiful and remarkable, and a thousand other things. I’m sorry you couldn’t have known her under happier conditions — she had many, many friends and admirers, really almost anyone who ever met her, who are going to miss her very much. I loved her deeply, more deeply than I even knew, judging from the way I have felt the past week. Frankly, I’m a mess.
Thanks also for your caring, respectful ways with Kate. Although losing her was the last thing I ever would have wished, when it had to be done at least with your help I was able to ensure she had a peaceful and dignified end to her final illness. She died in her favorite spot, on a beautiful day, with her best friend holding her tight. We should all be so fortunate, no?-Elizabeth, you’ve chosen a difficult path for a medical professional–after all, none of your patients ever get better. But you’re offering a much-needed service, and I for one am glad you were able to answer our call for help on the worst day of my life.
Best wishes, Rick Dower, aka That Guy With the Beautiful Dog.