Bobby was the most amazing friend and companion. He taught me so much about love, compassion, and dedication. He also taught me about prejudice and stereotypes. When I first met him, I was scared because he was a “Pitbull”. I had no previous experiences with pitties either good or bad, but my first instinct was that he was a “dangerous” dog. Very quickly I learned he was the most loving soul I have ever known and didn’t have a mean or aggressive bone in his body. All he wanted to do was love on people, lick them and be right next to me when I was at home. He quickly became my best friend and in his last two years we became even closer as I took him to his many vet and rehab appointments, slept downstairs with him, and spent as much time as I could with him. His big beautiful eyes would look deep into mine and no matter how bad my day had been, his love fixed everything with just a look. I miss you terribly Bobby and I love you with all my heart. Because of your love, we just recently rescued another Pitbull destined for premature euthanasia from the shelter. Because of her Uncle Bobby, she now has a wonderful life to look forward to. We will always “pay it forward” for this misunderstood breed in your honor. We love you and we miss you sweet Bobby.
Jim Fix