Before this life
My heart
A kingdom of stone
Cut asunder by
A four legged harvest
Before unknown
Vibrating to the pulse of
Emancipating the breath of
My soul
Breathing into me
The best of myself
Yet to come
That which I would now
Fail to exhale without
A ferocious type of dedication
Beyond love if I may
Rotating back to the
Origin of time
Before human maulers
As one by one
They go before me
Folding into memory
The land where all my losses sleep
Amidst a blush of hope
That one day we shall meet
In the space where humans
Cannot peep
The intimacy of silence
Awash in a slow rush of love
So deep
Loving ferociously
This heart that cranks
With their heat
Leaving no
Unlived life
Or crumbs
At my feet